Java Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures
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This is the 4th edition of Murach's classic Java book that's trained thousands of developers in the last 10 years. Now fully updated to take advantage of the NetBeans IDE, this book helps any programmer learn Java faster and better than ever before. It's the one Java book that presents object-oriented features like inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism in a way that's both understandable and useful in the real world. It moves at the professional pace that's expected on the job. It's full of practical coding examples that enhance training and that work as time-saving models for new applications. And it's all done in the distinctive Murach style that has been training professional programmers for more than 37 years.
Java Programming new edition
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Categories: Programming Languages * Java. Contributors: Jitendra Patel - Author. Format: NOOK Book
"The problems encountered by a beginning Java programmer are many--and mostly minor. The problems you encounter as an experienced Java programmer are far fewer-and far more serious. Java Programming
Java Programming Textbook