Siri For Dummies
Find out what Siri's got up her sleeve with this fun and friendly guide!Who couldn't use a little extra help these days? Answers, information, reminders, and all sorts of additional help are only a verbal query away with Siri, the artificial intelligence personal assistant. Get and download textbook Siri For Dummies for free
Buy Siri For Dummies by Marc Saltzman and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Siri made her debut with the iPhone 4 and is now updated for iOS 6 as well as the third-generation iPad and she is ready to assist! This easy-to-understand guide walks you through the vast array of capabilities that Siri boasts, from creating texts and e-mails from dictation to getting directions to finding a restaurant in the area. You'll discover how to check the weather, get sports scores and schedules, look up a movie review, get Facebook and Twitter updates, make Siri For Dummies new edition
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Siri for Dummies FOR Dummies 9781118299289 09781118299289
Introduces the iPhone's voice-operated assistant, discussing how to use it for personal organization, getting directions, and e-mailing and texting faster.
author marc saltzman format paperback language english publication year 19 04 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing consumer books technical trade title siri for dummies portable edition author saltzman marc publisher for dummies publication date apr 24 2012 pages 192 binding paperback edition portable edition dimensions 5 40 wx 8 30 hx 0 30 d isbn 1118299280 subject computers hardware general description love siri or looking to learn to more about iphone s new virtual assistant this b
Siri For Dummies - iPhone BRAND NEW 2012 * Cover Artwork may vary TITLE: Siri For Dummies AUTHOR: Books for Dummies Staff FORMAT: Paperback YEAR PUBLISHED: 2012 ISBN: 9781118299289 CONDITION: BRAND NEW!! Love Siri or looking to learn to more aboutiPhone's new virtual assistant? This book's for you! What could be cooler than asking your iPhone 4S questions and having it reply? This handy little book shows you all the cool things Siri can do for you, so you can get the most from your iPhone's voi
Siri For Dummies Textbook
You'll discover how to check the weather, get sports scores and schedules, look up a movie review, get Facebook and Twitter updates, make