Network Security Bible
The comprehensive A-to-Z guide on network security, fully revised and updatedNetwork security is constantly evolving, and this comprehensive guide has been thoroughly updated to cover the newest developments. Get and download textbook Network Security Bible for free
John Wiley And Sons Ltd | 2009 | 936 pages | ISBN-13: 9780470502495 | ISBN-10: 0470502495 | You save 30%
If you are responsible for network security, this is the reference you need at your side.Covering new techniques, technology, and methods for approaching security, it also examines new trends and best practices being used by many organizations. The revised Network Security Bible complements the Cisco Academy course instruction in networking security.Covers all core areas of network security and how they interrelateFully revised to address new techniques, technology, and methods for securing an enterprise worldwideExamines new trends Network Security Bible new edition
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Network Security Bible: Eric Cole, James Conley, Ronald L. Krutz
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Categories: Computer security, Computer networks->Security measures, Computer networks->Security measures->Handbooks, manuals, etc. Contributors: Eric Cole - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computer security, Computer networks->Security measures, Computer networks->Security measures->Handbooks, manuals, etc. Contributors: Eric Cole - Author. Format: Paperback
Network Security Bible Textbook
Covers all core areas of network security and how they interrelateFully revised to address new techniques, technology, and methods for securing an enterprise worldwideExamines new trends