Barron's AP Computer Science A, 6th Edition
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Categories: AP Computer Science->Study guides. Contributors: Roselyn Teukolsky - Author. Format: Paperback
Barron's AP Computer Science A new edition
Download free books for Barron's AP Computer Science A, 6th Edition
The updated test prep manual presents computer science test takers with-- Three full-length AP practice tests for the Level A course, including a diagnostic test Charts detailing the topics for each test question All test questions answered and explained Test takers will also find an extensive subject review including sections on static variables, the List interface, Integer.MAX_VALUE, and Integer.MIN_VALUE. The practice exams contain several new questions on two-dimensional arrays and also reflect the new free-response style used on the 2012 AP exam.
Categories: AP Computer Science->Study guides. Contributors: Roselyn Teukolsky - Author. Format: Other Format
Categories: AP Computer Science->Study guides. Contributors: Roselyn Teukolsky - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: AP Computer Science->Study guides. Contributors: Roselyn Teukolsky - Author. Format: Paperback
Barron's AP Computer Science A Textbook