Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks
Exploring one of the most exciting and potentially rewarding areas of scientific research, the study of the principles and mechanisms underlying brain function, this book introduces and explains the techniques brought from physics to the study of neural networks and the insights they have stimulated. Get and download textbook Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks for free
author daniel j amit format paperback language english publication year 26 06 1992 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 life sciences general modeling brain function by daniel j amit published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in biochemistry or biological life sciences all free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography language and li
Substantial progress in understanding memory, the learning process, and self-organization by studying the properties of models of neural networks have resulted in discoveries of important parallels between the properties of statistical, nonlinear cooperative systems in physics and neural networks. The author presents a coherent and clear, nontechnical view of all the basic ideas and results. More technical aspects are restricted to special Modeling Brain Function new edition
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What Should be Computed to Understand and Model Brain Function? From Robotics, Soft Computing, Biology and Neuroscience to Cognitive Philosophy: Tadashi Kitamura
Modeling Brain Function The World of Attractor Neural Networks, ISBN-13: 9780521421249, ISBN-10: 0521421241
author daniel j amit format paperback language english publication year 26 06 1992 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 life sciences general title modeling brain function the world of attractor neural networks author daniel j amit publisher cambridge univ pr publication date oct 22 1992 pages 522 binding paperback edition reprint dimensions 6 00 wx 9 00 hx 1 00 d isbn 0521421241 subject medical neuroscience description exploring one of the most exciting and potentially rewarding areas of sc
One of the most exciting and potentially rewarding areas of scientific research is the study of the principles and mechanisms underlying brain function. It is also of great promise to future generations of computers.
Modeling Brain Function Textbook
Substantial progress in understanding memory, the learning process, and self-organization by studying the properties of models of neural networks have resulted in discoveries of important parallels between the properties of statistical, nonlinear cooperative systems in physics and neural networks
More technical aspects are restricted to special