Business Analysis
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Categories: Business analysts. Contributors: Debra Paul - Editor. Format: Paperback
Business Analysis new edition
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This book is full of advice and guidance on how to take on the management of BAs, written from many perspectives. Here you will read about how BAs manage themselves and how they might manage other BAs. You will also encounter information on how Project Managers (PMs) can best make use of the BAs on their teams and on how Senior Management can adapt corporate processes to take advantage of the skills that BAs bring to the table. How will off-shoring affect the use of BAs? How do they fit into the corporate organization charts? What kind of specialized training will they require? This book can h
Categories: Business planning, Organizational effectiveness, Business analysts. Contributors: Barbara A. Carkenord - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Business planning, Organizational effectiveness, Business analyst. Contributors: Barbara A. Carkenord - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Business planning, Organizational effectiveness. Contributors: Kevin Brennan - Editor. Format: Paperback
Business Analysis Textbook