Dynamic Models in Biology
From controlling disease outbreaks to predicting heart attacks, dynamic models are increasingly crucial for understanding biological processes. Get and download textbook Dynamic Models in Biology for free
Dynamic Models in Biology; ISBN: 0691125899; Condition: New
Many universities are starting undergraduate programs in computational biology to introduce students to this rapidly growing field. In Dynamic Models in Biology, the first text on dynamic models specifically written for undergraduate students in the biological sciences, ecologist Stephen Ellner and mathematician John Guckenheimer teach students how to understand, build, and use dynamic models in biology. Developed from a course taught by Ellner and Guckenheimer at Cornell University, the book is organized around biological applications, with mathematics and computing developed through case stud Dynamic Models in Biology new edition
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From controlling disease outbreaks to predicting heart attacks, dynamic models are increasingly crucial for understanding biological processes. Many universities are starting undergraduate programs in
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Dynamic Models in Biology by Stephen P. Ellner, John Guckenheimer Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New quot;This book is written with the reality of biology students and their apprehension about mathematics in mind. The applications of mathematical models to real biological problems are not contrived, as they are in a number of other texts. And the biology examples are taken from the current literature mdash;a wond
author john guckenheimer author stephen p ellner format paperback language english publication year 27 03 2006 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 life sciences general title dynamic models in biology author stephen p ellner john guckenheimer publisher princeton univ pr publication date apr 11 2006 pages 352 binding paperback edition illustrated dimensions 6 75 wx 9 50 hx 0 80 d isbn 0691125899 subject science life sciences biology general description from controlling disease outbreaks to p
Dynamic Models in Biology by Ellner, Stephen P./ Guckenheimer, John [Paperback]
Dynamic Models in Biology Textbook
Many universities are starting undergraduate programs in computational biology to introduce students to this rapidly growing field
Developed from a course taught by Ellner and Guckenheimer at Cornell University, the book is organized around biological applications, with mathematics and computing developed through case stud