How We Test Software at Microsoft
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It may surprise you to learn that Microsoft employs as many software testers as developers. Get and download textbook How We Test Software at Microsoft for free
Buy How We Test Software at Microsoft® by Alan Page,Bj Rollison,Ken Johnston and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Less surprising is the emphasis the company places on the testing disciplineAand its role in managing quality across a diverse, 150+ product portfolio.This bookAwritten by three of Microsoft's most prominent test professionalsAshares the best practices, tools, and systems used by the company's 9,000-strong corps of testers. Learn how your colleagues at Microsoft design and manage testing, their approach to training and career development, and what challenges they see ahead. Most important, you'll get practical insights you can apply for better results in your organization.Discover how to: Design effective tests and run them throughout the produ How We Test Software at Microsoft new edition
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How We Test Software at Microsoft - Alan Page, Bj Rollison, Ken Johnston
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author How We Test Software at Microsoft by Alan Page, Ken Johnston Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Get the inside story on the software-testing programs and methods used by testers at Microsoft. Ideal for both testers and test managers, this book delivers guidance on people, processes, and tools-with insights useful to organizations of all sizes. Publisher Description It may surprise you to learn that Microsoft empl
How We Test Software at Microsoft
How We Test Software at Microsoft Textbook
Less surprising is the emphasis the company places on the testing disciplineAand its role in managing quality across a diverse, 150+ product portfolio.This bookAwritten by three of Microsoft's most prominent test professionalsAshares the best practices, tools, and systems used by the company's 9,000-strong corps of testers. Learn how your colleagues at Microsoft design and manage testing, their approach to training and career development, and what challenges they see ahead. Most important, you'll get practical insights you can apply for better results in your organization
ess surprising is the emphasis the company places on the testing disciplineAand its role in managing quality across a diverse, 150+ product portfolio.This bookAwritten by three of Microsoft's most prominent test professionalsAshares the best practices, tools, and systems used by the company's 9,000-strong corps of testers. Learn how your colleagues at Microsoft design and manage testing, their approach to training and career development, and what challenges they see ahead. Most important, you'll get practical insights you can apply for better results in your organization.Discover how to: Design effective tests and run them throughout the produ