Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement: A Data Quality Assessment Framework
The Data Quality Assessment Framework shows you how to measure and monitor data quality, ensuring quality over time. Get and download textbook Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement: A Data Quality Assessment Framework for free
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You'll start with general concepts of measurement and work your way through a detailed framework of more than three dozen measurement types related to five objective dimensions of quality: completeness, timeliness, consistency, validity, and integrity. Ongoing measurement, rather than one time activities will help your organization reach a new level of data quality. This plain-language approach to measuring data can be understood by both business and IT and provides practical guidance on how to apply the DQAF within any organization enabling you to prioritize measurements and effectively report on results. Strategies fo Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement new edition
Download free books for Measuring Data Quality For Ongoing Improvement By Laura Sebastian-coleman Pa
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement by Laura Sebastian-Coleman Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Shows you how to measure and monitor data quality, ensuring quality over time. This title demonstrates how to leverage a technology independent data quality measurement framework for specific business priorities and data quality challenges. It enables discussions between business and IT with a non-technica
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Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement : A Data Quality Assessment Framework, ISBN-13: 9780123970336, ISBN-10: 0123970334
The Data Quality Assessment Framework shows you how to measure and monitor data quality, ensuring quality over time. Youll start with general concepts of measurement and work your way through a detailed framework of more than three dozen measurement types related to five objective dimensions of quality: completeness, timeliness, consistency, validity, and integrity. Ongoing measurement, rather than one time activities will help your organization reach a new level of data quality. This plain-language approach to measuring data can be understood by both business and IT and provides practical gui
Measuring Data Quality for Ongoing Improvement Textbook
Strategies fo