UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach (5th Edition)
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"ISBN 9780130927361; 100% Brand NEW; Amir Afzal Prentice Hall; UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach, 4th Edition"
UNIX Unbounded new edition
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"UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach" is ideal for introductory courses in the UNIX operating system. It is also serves as a suitable introduction to UNIX for professionals. Using clear-cut examples, this tutorial introduces readers to the UNIX operating system, including its historical development, major versions, and important features. It covers the topics necessary for users to function independently and handle routine tasks, giving readers a foundation for exploring more advanced UNIX topics.
UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach is ideal for introductory courses in the UNIX operating system. It is also serves as a suitable introduction to UNIX for professionals. Using clear-cut examples, this tutorial introduces readers to the UNIX operating system, including its historical development, major versions, and important features. It covers the topics necessary for users to function independently and handle routine tasks, giving readers a foundation for exploring more advanced UNIX topics.
Unix Unbounded : A Beginning Approach, ISBN-13: 9780131194496, ISBN-10: 0131194496
"ISBN 0130927368; 100% Brand NEW; Amir Afzal Prentice Hall; UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach, 4th Edition"
UNIX Unbounded Textbook