Networked: The New Social Operating System
Daily life is connected life, its rhythms driven by endless email pings and responses, the chimes and beeps of continually arriving text messages, tweets and retweets, Facebook updates, pictures and videos to post and discuss. Get and download textbook Networked: The New Social Operating System for free
Spreadable Media maps fundamental changes taking place in our contemporary media environment, a space where corporations no longer tightly control media distribution and many of us are directly involved in the circulation of content. It contrasts 'stickiness'--aggregating attention in centralized places--with 'spreadability'--dispersing content widely through both formal and informal networks, some approved, many unauthorized. Stickiness has been the measure of success in the broadcast era (and has been carried over to the online world), but 'spreadability' describes the ways content travels through social media. Following up on the hugely influential Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, this book challenges some of the prevailing metaphors and frameworks used to describe contemporary media, from biological metaphors like 'memes' and 'viral' to the concept of 'Web 2.0' and the popular notion of 'influencers.' Spreadable Media examines the nature of audience engagement, the environment of participation, the way appraisal creates value, and the transnational flows at the heart of these phenomena. It delineates the elements that make content more spreadable and highlights emerging media business models built for a world of participatory circulation. The book also explores the internal tensions companies face as they adapt to the new communication reality and argues for the need to shift from 'hearing' to 'listening' in corporate culture. Drawing on examples from film, music, games, comics, television, transmedia storytelling, advertising, and public relations industries, among others--from both the US and around the world--the authors illustrate the contours of our current media environment.They highlight the vexing questions content creators must tackle and the responsibilities we all face as citizens in a world where many of us regularly circulate media content. Written for any and all of us who actively create and share media content, Spreadable Media provides a clear understanding of how people are spreading ideas and the implications these activities have for business, politics, and everyday life.
Our perpetual connectedness gives us endless opportunities to be part of the give-and-take of networking. Some worry that this new environment makes us isolated and lonely. But in Networked, Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman show how the large, loosely knit social circles of networked individuals expand opportunities for learning, problem solving, decision making, and personal interaction. The new social operating system of "networked individualism" liberates us from the restrictions of tightly knit groups; it also r Networked new edition
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This book will be based on a selection of high quality research papers presented at the Networked Learning Conference, May3-4, 2010. The Networked Learning Conference is an international, research-based conference. Since its inception in 1998 the conference has developed a strong following by international researchers. In addition it is well supported by practitioners, managers and learning technologists interested in contributing to and hearing about research in this area. The conference is considered a major event in the international 'technology enhanced learning' conference circuit. This e
Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World - Bruce Schneier
The vision of the networked enterprise is now a reality. This cutting-edge book illustrates how to implement a new breakthrough business process management (BPM) technology that will change the competitive business landscape. BPM gives businesses the means to manage processes across systems, people, and organizations, providing visibility and control over each instance of those processes right across the supply chain network.
Networked Textbook
The new social operating system of "networked individualism" liberates us from the restrictions of tightly knit groups; it also r