Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design
Richard Bird takes a radically new approach to algorithm design, namely, design by calculation. Get and download textbook Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design for free
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design : Hardback : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS : 9780521513388 : 0521513383 : 01 Nov 2010 : A radical new approach to algorithm design, namely, design by calculation.
These 30 short chapters each deal with a particular programming problem drawn from sources as diverse as games and puzzles, intriguing combinatorial tasks, and more familiar areas such as data compression and string matching. Each pearl starts with the statement of the problem expressed using the functional programming language Haskell, a powerful yet succinct language for capturing algorithmic ideas clearly and simply. The novel aspect of the book is that each solution is calculated from an initial formulation of the problem in Haskell by appealing to the laws of functional programming. Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design will appeal to the aspiring Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design new edition
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Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design - Bird R.
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design, ISBN-13: 9780521513388, ISBN-10: 0521513383
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design
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Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design Textbook
Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design will appeal to the aspiring