Financial Engineering and Computation: Principles, Mathematics, Algorithms
Nowadays students and professionals intending to work in any area of finance must master not only advanced concepts and mathematical models but also learn how to implement these models computationally. Get and download textbook Financial Engineering and Computation: Principles, Mathematics, Algorithms for free
by Yuh-Dauh Lyuu - Cambridge University Press (2002) - Hardback - ISBN 052178171X 9780521781718
This comprehensive text combines the theory and mathematics behind financial engineering with an emphasis on computation, in keeping with the way financial engineering is practiced in today's capital markets. Unlike most books on investments, financial engineering, or derivative securities, the book starts from very basic ideas in finance and gradually builds up the theory. It offers a thorough grounding in the subject for MBAs in finance, students of engineering and sciences who are pursuing a career in finance, researchers in computational Financial Engineering and Computation new edition
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Financial Engineering and Computation: Principles, Mathematics, and Algorithms: Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
Categories: Financial engineering, Investments->Mathematical models. Contributors: Yuh-Dauh Lyuu - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Financial engineering, Investments->Mathematical models, Derivative securities->Mathematical model. Contributors: Yuh-Dauh Lyuu - Author. Format: Hardcover
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Financial Engineering and Computation Textbook
This comprehensive text combines the theory and mathematics behind financial engineering with an emphasis on computation, in keeping with the way financial engineering is practiced in today's capital markets
It offers a thorough grounding in the subject for MBAs in finance, students of engineering and sciences who are pursuing a career in finance, researchers in computational