Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications provides in-depth coverage of recurrences, generating functions, partitions, and permutations, along with some of the most interesting graph and network topics, design constructions, and finite geometries. Get and download textbook Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) for free
Taylor & Francis Inc | 2007 | 664 pages | ISBN-13: 9781584887430 | ISBN-10: 1584887435 | You save 10%
Requiring only a foundation in discrete mathematics, it can serve as the textbook in a combinatorial methods course or in a combined graph theory and combinatorics course.
After an introduction to combinatorics, the book explores six systematic approaches within a comprehensive framework: sequences, solving recurrences, evaluating summation expressions, binomial coefficients, partitions and permutations, and integer methods. The author then focuses on graph theory, covering Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications new edition
Download free books for Combinatorial Methods With Computer Applications By Jonathan L. Gross Hardco
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications by Jonathan L. Gross Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Paving the way for students to understand and perform combinatorial calculations, this accessible text presents the discrete methods necessary for applications to algorithmic analysis, performance evaluation, and statistics as well as for the solution of combinatorial problems in engineering and the social sci
"Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications provides in-depth coverage of recurrences, generating functions, partitions, and permutations, along with some of the most interesting graph and network topics, design constructions, and finite geometries. Requiring only a foundation in discrete mathematics, it can serve as the textbook in a combinatorial methods course or in a combined graph theory and combinatorics course.After an introduction to combinatorics, the book explores six systematic approaches within a comprehensive framework: sequences, solving recurrences, evaluating summation ex
author jonathan l gross format book format trade cloth isbn 10 1584887435 isbn 13 9781584887430 language english publication year 20070000 audience college audience author jonathan l gross author for title jonathan l gross book copyright date 2008 book industry reviews š the book is very carefully written and might be a good starting point for undergraduate students š zentralblatt math 1168 i recently got this book on combinatorics and applications to computer science and i like it so much that
Author: Gross, Jonathan L. ISBN-10: 1584887434
Combinatorial Methods with Computer Applications Textbook
Requiring only a foundation in discrete mathematics, it can serve as the textbook in a combinatorial methods course or in a combined graph theory and combinatorics course
The author then focuses on graph theory, covering