Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing (3rd Edition)
Get and download textbook Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing (3rd Edition) for free
This book is concerned with those foundational questions inelementary algebra, calculus and geometry, that are almostalways left unanswered in undergraduate courses in thesesubjects. Among the topics considered are non-standardanalysis, the relationship between classical geometrictheorems (such as those of Pascal and Desargues) and fieldaxioms, questions of decidability, and combinatorial logic.An attractive feature is the case given to the historicalcontext in which foundational questions have arisen, and tothe early attempts made to resolve them.From the ZENTRALBLATT review of the German edition:"It isone of those rare books which give you freedom andfantasy to reconsider themost common concepts ofmathematics...The book explains carefully, using motivatingexamples and sometimes quite original proofs, thedevelopmentof crucial ideas in important branches ofmathematics. It is a pleasure to read it."
Algorithmics new edition
Download free books for Proc. 10th workshop on algorithm engineering, 5th workshop on analytic algorithmics and combinatorics
Proc. 10th workshop on algorithm engineering, 5th workshop on analytic algorithmics and combinatorics: Dorothea Wagner, J. Ian Munro, Robert Sedgewick, Wojciech Szpankowski
by Gilles Brassard - Pearson (1996) - Hardback - ISBN 0133350681 9780133350685
There are several approaches to attack hard problems. All have their merits, but also their limitations, and need a large body of theory as their basis. A number of books for each one exist: books on complexity theory, others on approximation algorithms, heuristic approaches, parametrized complexity, and yet others on randomized algorithms. This book discusses thoroughly all of the above approaches. And, amazingly, at the same time, does this in a style that makes the book accessible not only to theoreticians, but also to the non-specialist, to the student or teacher, and to the programmer. Do
author david harel author yishai feldman format hardback language english publication year 30 03 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing textbooks study guides title algorithmics the spirit of computing author harel david feldman yishai publisher springer verlag new york inc publication date apr 30 2012 pages 600 binding hardcover edition 3 rd dimensions 6 50 wx 9 50 hx 1 50 d isbn 3642272657 subject computers programming algorithms description computer science is the science of the futu
Algorithmics Textbook