Theory of Computation (Texts in Computer Science)
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Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields -
Theory of Computation new edition
Download free books for Finite Fields: Theory and Computation
This book provides an exhaustive survey of the most recent achievements in the theory and applications of finite fields and in many related areas such as algebraic number theory, theoretical computer science, coding theory and cryptography. Topics treated include polynomial factorization over finite fields, the finding and distribution of irreducible primitive and other special polynomials, constructing special bases of extensions of finite fields, curves and exponential sums, and linear recurrent sequences. Besides a general overview of the area, its results and methods, it suggests a number
Regression Modeling: Methods, Theory, and Computation with SAS provides an introduction to a diverse assortment of regression techniques using SAS to solve a wide variety of regression problems. The author fully documents the SAS programs and thoroughly explains the output produced by the programs. The text presents the popular ordinary least squares (OLS) approach before introducing many alternative regression methods. It covers nonparametric regression, logistic regression (including Poisson regression), Bayesian regression, robust regression, fuzzy regression, random coefficients regression
Categories: Computational complexity, Machine theory, Computational complexity. Contributors: Michael Sipser - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Machine theory, Computational complexity. Contributors: Michael Sipser - Author. Format: Hardcover
Theory of Computation Textbook