BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic
Implementing cryptography requires integers of significant magnitude to resist cryptanalytic attacks. Get and download textbook BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic for free
Buy BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic by Tom St Denis and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Modern programming languages only provide support for integers which are relatively small and single precision. The purpose of this text is to instruct the reader regarding how to implement efficient multiple precision algorithms.
Bignum math is the backbone of modern computer security algorithms. It is the ability to work with hundred-digit numbers efficiently using techniques that are both elegant and occasionally bizarre. This book introduces the reader to the concept of bignum algorithms and proceeds to build an entire library of functionality from the ground up. Through the use of theory, pseudo-code and actual fielded C source code BigNum Math new edition
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author BigNum Math: Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic by Tom St Denis Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Implementing cryptography requires integers of significant magnitude to resist cryptanalytic attacks. Modern programming languages only provide support for integers which are relatively small and single precision. The purpose of this text is to instruct the reader regarding how to implement eff
author tom st denis format paperback language english publication year 18 08 2006 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming bignum math implementing cryptographic multiple precision arithmetic by tom st denis published by syngress elsevier science not quite what you re looking for see more books in other free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment business and commerce computing and it history and topography languag
BigNum Math Implementing Cryptographic Multiple Precision Arithmetic, ISBN-13: 9781597491129, ISBN-10: 1597491128
BigNum Math
BigNum Math Textbook
Modern programming languages only provide support for integers which are relatively small and single precision. The purpose of this text is to instruct the reader regarding how to implement efficient multiple precision algorithms.
Bignum math is the backbone of modern computer security algorithms. It is the ability to work with hundred-digit numbers efficiently using techniques that are both elegant and occasionally bizarre
Through the use of theory, pseudo-code and actual fielded C source code