Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Already an international bestseller, with the release of this greatly enhanced second edition, Graph Theory and Its Applications is now an even better choice as a textbook for a variety of courses -- a textbook that will continue to serve your students as a reference for years to come. Get and download textbook Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) for free
New Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) Yellen, Jay, Gross, Jonathan L. New Hardcover, clean, tight, unmarked (Fine), Second Edition, Binding: Hardcover Pages: 800 Publisher : Chapman and Hall/CRC (2005-09-22) ISBN: 158488505X DefBooks mon0000181741
The superior explanations, broad coverage, and abundance of illustrations and exercises that positioned this as the premier graph theory text remain, but are now augmented by a broad range of improvements. Nearly 200 pages have been added for this edition, including nine new sections and hundreds of new exercises, mostly non-routine.
What else is new?
New chapters on measurement and analytic graph theory
Supplementary exercises in Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition new edition
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Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition
Categories: Graph theory. Contributors: Jonathan L. Gross - Author. Format: NOOK Study
Taylor & Francis Ltd | 2005 | 800 pages | ISBN-13: 9781584885054 | ISBN-10: 158488505X | You save 10%
Now updated, this bestselling text book continues to feature superior explanations, broad coverage, and an abundance of illustrations and exercises that positioned the first edition as the premier graph theory text. With more than 200 additional pages and nine new sections, this text also includes new exercises.
Graph Theory and Its Applications, Second Edition Textbook
The superior explanations, broad coverage, and abundance of illustrations and exercises that positioned this as the premier graph theory text remain, but are now augmented by a broad range of improvements
What else is new?
New chapters on measurement and analytic graph theory
Supplementary exercises in