Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall
Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall immerses the reader in the highly complicated subject of firewall implementation, deployment, configuration, and administration. Get and download textbook Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall for free
Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall immerses the reader in the highly complicated subject of firewall implementation, deployment, configuration, and administration. This guide will instruct
This guide will instruct the reader on the necessary information to pass the CSPFA exam including protocols, hardware, software, troubleshooting and more.
Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall introduces the basic concepts of attack, explains the networking principals necessary to effectively implement and deploy a PIX firewall, covers the hardware and software components of the device, provides multiple configurations and administration examples, and fully describes the unique line syntax native to PIX firewall configuration and administration. Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall new edition
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Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall: Mike Sweeney, Umer Khan, Vitaly Osipov, Woody Weaver
CISCO SECURITY SPECIALIST'S GUIDE TO PIX FIREWALL will instruct readers on the information needed to pass the CSPFA exam. It introduces the basic concepts of attack, explains the networking principles necessary to effectively implement and deploy a PIX firewall, covers the hardware and software components of the device, provides multiple configurations and administration examples, and fully describes the unique line syntax native to PIX firewall configuration and administration.
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Cisco Security Specialist's Guide to PIX Firewall Textbook
This guide will instruct the reader on the necessary information to pass the CSPFA exam including protocols, hardware, software, troubleshooting and more