Excel Applications for Accounting Principles
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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Excel Applications for Accounting Principles by Gaylord N. Smith Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New This textbook introduces students to the power of spreadsheets. It contains over 50 spreadsheet problems that reinforce principles of accounting concepts. The problems incorporate formula development and model building skills that may be used in a variety of accounting applications. Emphasis is placed on what-if an
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles new edition
Download free books for Excel Applications For Accounting Principles By Gaylord N. Smith, 3rd Edition
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles by Gaylord N. Smith US 3rd Edition If your class is using the 4th edition, please consider the following:The content of the 3rd edition is nearly identical to Excel Applications for Accounting Principles 4th edition.The only major difference is the cover and price!!!Publishers constantly come out with newer editions to make more money, giving them reason to charge $100 + for a book. The thing is, they don't really change much with a newer edition oth
Excel Applications for Accounting Principlesby Gaylord N. SmithUS 3rd EditionIf your class is using the 4th edition, please consider the following:The content of the 3rd edition is nearly identical to Excel Applications for Accounting Principles 4th edition.The only major difference is the cover and price!!!Publishers constantly come out with newer editions to make more money, giving them reason to charge $100 + for a book. The thing is, they don't really change much with a newer edition other than changing the cover and adding some case studies.You will save a big chunk of $$ by purchasing th
payment | shipping rates | returns We accept only PayPal for eBay orders Excel Applications for Accounting Principles (with Excel Templates Computer Disk) BookBuyers SKU: mon0000986093 Product Category :Books ISBN :0324270275 Title :Excel Applications for Accounting Principles (with Excel Templates Computer Disk)EAN :9780324270273 Authors :Gaylord N. Smith Binding :Paperback Publisher :South-Western College Pub Publication Date :2003-07-21 Pages :216 Signed :False First Edition :False Dust Jack
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles, ISBN-13: 9781111581565, ISBN-10: 1111581568
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles Textbook