CISSP Exam Cram
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ISC(2)'s CISSP is the information security industry's elite certification. Earned by 35000 top security professionals worldwide, it requires candidates to pass a brutally tough 6-hour, 250 question exam - and it has just been revamped to reflect today's latest IT security challenges. CISSP Exam Cram, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to prepare candidates for the new exam, using the proven Exam Cram method of study. It includes: Chapters that map directly to the exam objectivesComprehensive foundational learning on all topics covered on the examAn extensive collection of practice questions (including two full exams)Notes, tips, sidebars, cautions, test-taking strategies, and time-saving tips that make studying as effective and time-efficient as possibleThe Cram Sheet tear-out card including tips, acronyms, and memory joggers not available anywhere else - perfect for last-minute study Topics covered in this ebook include physical, network, applications, systems, and operations security; access control; cryptography; securing architecture and modeling; business continuity and disaster recovery; security forensics; security management practices; and much more. [Note that this ebook does not include the contents of the CD which comes with the printed book.]
CISSP Exam Cram new edition
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CISSP Exam Cram: Mandy Andress
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-rom, this content is not included within the eBook version.
isc's cissp is the information security industry's elite certification. Earned by 35000 top security professionals worldwide, it requires candidates to pass a brutally tough 6-hour, 250 question exam- and it has just been revamped to reflect today's latest IT security challenges. cissp Exam Cram, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to prepare candidates for the new exam, using the proven Exam Cram method of study. It includes: " Chapters that map dir
isc's cissp is the information security industry's elite certification. Earned by 35000 top security professionals worldwide, it requires candidates to pass a brutally tough 6-hour, 250 question exam- and it has just been revamped to reflect today's latest IT security challenges. cissp Exam Cram, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to prepare candidates for the new exam, using the proven Exam Cram method of study. It includes: " Chapters that map dir
CISSP Exam Cram 2: Michael Gregg
CISSP Exam Cram, Third Edition, is the perfect study guide to help you pass the tough new electronic version of the CISSP exam. It provides coverage and practice questions for every exam topic, including substantial new coverage of encryption, cloud security, information lifecycles, security management/governance, and more. The book contains an extensive set of preparation tools, such as quizzes, Exam Alerts, and two practice exams, while the CDs state-of-the-art test engine provides real-time practice and feedback. Covers the critical information youll need to pass the CISSP exam! Enforce eff
CISSP Exam Cram Textbook