Contemporary Logic Design (2nd Edition)
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Author: Katz, Randy H., Borriello, Gaetano ISBN-10: 0201308576
Contemporary Logic Design new edition
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Contemporary Logic Design: Randy H. Katz
Contemporary Logic Design, ISBN-13: 9780201308570, ISBN-10: 0201308576
"ISBN 0201308576; 100% Brand NEW; Randy H. Katz, Gaetano Borriello Prentice Hall; Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Edition"
Title: Contemporary Logic Design
Authors: Randy H. Katz and Gaetano Borriello
Edition: 2nd edition
Format: US edition/paperback
-Do you want to only spend approximately $76.00 get the international edition with isbn-13:9780132046718
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Title: Contemporary Logic Design
Authors: Randy H. Katz and Gaetano Borriello
Edition: 2nd edition
Format: US edition/paperback
-Do you want to only spend approximately $76.00 get the international edition with isbn-13:9780132046718
All Sales are Final.
Contemporary Logic Design Textbook