Microsoft Excel 2010 In Depth
Excel 2010 In Depth is the beyond-the-basics, beneath-the-surface guide for everyone who wants to streamline their work with Excel 2010, and get more done in less time. Get and download textbook Microsoft Excel 2010 In Depth for free
Categories: Microsoft Excel 2010. Contributors: Bill Jelen - Author. Format: Paperback
Legendary Excel expert Bill Jelen provides specific, tested, proven solutions to the problems Excel users run into every day: challenges other books ignore or oversimplify. Jelen thoroughly covers all facets of working with Excel 2010, and adds new chapters on Excel Web App which allows multiple users to edit a spreadsheet simultaneously. New coverage also includes: Slicer, which offers dynamic filtering of PivotTables; Sparklines, which add data visualization to any cell; Calculation engine which improves the speed and accuracy of math, financial, and statistical functi Microsoft Excel 2010 In Depth new edition
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Microsoft Excel 2010 In Depth: Bill Jelen
Categories: Microsoft Excel 2010. Contributors: Bill Jelen - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Microsoft Excel 2010. Contributors: Bill Jelen - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Microsoft Excel 2010. Contributors: Bill Jelen - Author. Format: Paperback
Microsoft Excel 2010 In Depth Textbook
Legendary Excel expert Bill Jelen provides specific, tested, proven solutions to the problems Excel users run into every day: challenges other books ignore or oversimplify
New coverage also includes: Slicer, which offers dynamic filtering of PivotTables; Sparklines, which add data visualization to any cell; Calculation engine which improves the speed and accuracy of math, financial, and statistical functi