Mastering the Requirements Process (2nd Edition)
"If the purpose is to create one of the best books on requirements yet written, the authors have succeeded. Get and download textbook Mastering the Requirements Process (2nd Edition) for free
Mastering the Requirements Process, ISBN-13: 9780321815743, ISBN-10: 0321815742
-Capers Jones It is widely recognized that incorrect requirements account for up to 60 percent of errors in software products, and yet the majority of software development organizations do not have a formal requirements process. Many organizations appear willing to spend huge amounts on fixing and altering poorly specified software, but seem unwilling to invest a much smaller amount to get the requirements right in the first place. Mastering the Requirements Process, Second Edition , sets out an industry-proven process for gathering and verifying requirements with an eye toward today's agile development environment Mastering the Requirements Process new edition
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Mastering the Requirements Process: James C. Robertson, Suzanne Robertson
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Mastering the Requirements Process by Suzanne Robertson, James Robertson Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New If the purpose is to create one of the best books on requirements yet written, the authors have succeeded. -Capers Jones Software can solve almost any problem. The trick is knowing what the problem is. With about half of all software errors originating in the requirements activity, it is clear that a better
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Mastering the Requirements Process (2nd Edition); ISBN: 0321419499; Condition: New
Mastering the Requirements Process Textbook
-Capers Jones It is widely recognized that incorrect requirements account for up to 60 percent of errors in software products, and yet the majority of software development organizations do not have a formal requirements process
Mastering the Requirements Process, Second Edition , sets out an industry-proven process for gathering and verifying requirements with an eye toward today's agile development environment