Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications (Real-Time Systems Series)
"This book is a comprehensive text for the design of safety critical, hard real-time embedded systems. Get and download textbook Real-Time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications (Real-Time Systems Series) for free
Categories: Parallel processing (Computers), Computer systems->Verification, Real-time data processin. Contributors: Eric YT Juan - Author. Format: Hardcover
It offersA a splendid example for the balanced, integrated treatment of systems and software engineering, helping readers tackle the hardest problems of advanced real-time system design, such as determinism, compositionality, timing and fault management. This book is an essential reading for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in a wide range of disciplines impacted by embedded computing and software. Its conceptual clarity, the style of explanations and the examples make the abstract conceptsAaccessible for a wide audience." Janos Sztipanovits, Director E. Bronson Ingram Distinguished Professor of Engineering Institute for Software Real-Time Systems new edition
Download free books for Compositional Verification of Concurrent and Real-Time Systems
Categories: Parallel processing (Computers), Real-time data processing, Computer systems->Verification. Contributors: Eric YT Juan - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Parallel processing (Computers), Computer systems->Verification, Real-time data processing. Contributors: Eric YT Juan - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Distributed data processing, Embedded computer systems, Real-time data processing. Contributors: Hermann Kopetz - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Real-time data processing, Computer capacity->Planning, Operating systems (Computers). Contributors: Giorgio C Buttazzo - Author. Format: Hardcover
Real-Time Systems Textbook
It offersA a splendid example for the balanced, integrated treatment of systems and software engineering, helping readers tackle the hardest problems of advanced real-time system design, such as determinism, compositionality, timing and fault management. This book is an essential reading for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in a wide range of disciplines impacted by embedded computing and software. Its conceptual clarity, the style of explanations and the examples make the abstract conceptsAaccessible for a wide audience." Janos Sztipanovits, Director E
t offersA a splendid example for the balanced, integrated treatment of systems and software engineering, helping readers tackle the hardest problems of advanced real-time system design, such as determinism, compositionality, timing and fault management. This book is an essential reading for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in a wide range of disciplines impacted by embedded computing and software. Its conceptual clarity, the style of explanations and the examples make the abstract conceptsAaccessible for a wide audience." Janos Sztipanovits, Director E. Bronson Ingram Distinguished Professor of Engineering Institute for Software