Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Thwarting Malicious and Selfish Behavior in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing
The current rate of deployment of wireless networks - whether cellular, LAN, Bluetooth, or sensor - is remarkable. Get and download textbook Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Thwarting Malicious and Selfish Behavior in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing for free
author jean pierre hubaux author levente buttyan format hardback language english publication year 29 11 2007 subject engineering technology subject 2 electronics engineering communications engineering security and cooperation in wireless networks by levente butty n jean pierre hubaux published by cambridge university press not quite what you re looking for see more books in computing and it free uk delivery on everything not even the right subject see books in arts design and entertainment busi
Wireless systems are vulnerable to many kinds of attack, and the security features of fixed-line systems are not always applicable in the wireless arena. With ever-increasing amounts of data being carried on wireless networks, security has become a major concern and an area of great commercial importance. This book presents the key features of wireless networks and discusses various techniques for ensuring secure communication. In particular, techniques for dealing with hacking and other forms of attack will be dealt with, as will cooperation in multi-hop and ad hoc networks. It is suitable for senior undergraduates and graduate Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks new edition
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Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Thwarting Malicious and Selfish Behavior in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing: Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Levente Buttyan
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Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks , ISBN-13: 9780521873710, ISBN-10: 0521873711
Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks Cambridge University Press 9780521873710 09780521873710
Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks Textbook
Wireless systems are vulnerable to many kinds of attack, and the security features of fixed-line systems are not always applicable in the wireless arena. With ever-increasing amounts of data being carried on wireless networks, security has become a major concern and an area of great commercial importance. This book presents the key features of wireless networks and discusses various techniques for ensuring secure communication. In particular, techniques for dealing with hacking and other forms of attack will be dealt with, as will cooperation in multi-hop and ad hoc networks
ireless systems are vulnerable to many kinds of attack, and the security features of fixed-line systems are not always applicable in the wireless arena. With ever-increasing amounts of data being carried on wireless networks, security has become a major concern and an area of great commercial importance. This book presents the key features of wireless networks and discusses various techniques for ensuring secure communication. In particular, techniques for dealing with hacking and other forms of attack will be dealt with, as will cooperation in multi-hop and ad hoc networks. It is suitable for senior undergraduates and graduate