Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data
Big Data represents a new era in data exploration and utilization, and IBM is uniquely positioned to help clients navigate this transformation. Get and download textbook Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data for free
Buy Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data by Chris Eaton, Paul Zikopoulos,IBM Paul Zikopoulos and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
This book reveals how IBM is leveraging open source Big Data technology, infused with IBM technologies, to deliver a robust, secure, highly available, enterprise-class Big Data platform. The three defining characteristics of Big Data--volume, variety, and velocity--are discussed. You'll get a primer on Hadoop and how IBM is hardening it for the enterprise, and learn when to leverage IBM InfoSphere BigInsights (Big Data at rest) and IBM InfoSphere Streams (Big Data in motion) technologies. Industry use cases are also included in this practical guide. Learn how IBM hardens Hadoop for enterprise-class Understanding Big Data new edition
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Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data ISBN: 9780071790536 Publisher: Published date: COMMENTS: Used - Good Sound copy, mild reading wear. May have scuffs . May have some notes, highlighting or underlining.SKU: N1-16-A-24-1361
Big Data represents a new era in data exploration and utilization, and IBM is uniquely positioned to help clients navigate this transformation. This book reveals how IBM is leveraging open source Big Data
author chris eaton author paul zikopoulos format paperback language english publication year 01 03 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title understanding big data analytics for enterprise class hadoop and streaming data author zikopoulos paul eaton chris publisher mcgraw hill osborne media publication date oct 19 2011 pages 176 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 00 wx 9 00 hx 0 33 d isbn 0071790535 subject computers database management general descr
author chris eaton author paul zikopoulos format paperback language english publication year 01 03 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title understanding big data analytics for enterprise class hadoop and streaming data author zikopoulos paul eaton chris publisher mcgraw hill osborne media publication date oct 19 2011 pages 176 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 6 00 wx 9 00 hx 0 33 d isbn 0071790535 subject computers database management general descr
Understanding Big Data Textbook
This book reveals how IBM is leveraging open source Big Data technology, infused with IBM technologies, to deliver a robust, secure, highly available, enterprise-class Big Data platform. The three defining characteristics of Big Data--volume, variety, and velocity--are discussed. You'll get a primer on Hadoop and how IBM is hardening it for the enterprise, and learn when to leverage IBM InfoSphere BigInsights (Big Data at rest) and IBM InfoSphere Streams (Big Data in motion) technologies. Industry use cases are also included in this practical guide
his book reveals how IBM is leveraging open source Big Data technology, infused with IBM technologies, to deliver a robust, secure, highly available, enterprise-class Big Data platform. The three defining characteristics of Big Data--volume, variety, and velocity--are discussed. You'll get a primer on Hadoop and how IBM is hardening it for the enterprise, and learn when to leverage IBM InfoSphere BigInsights (Big Data at rest) and IBM InfoSphere Streams (Big Data in motion) technologies. Industry use cases are also included in this practical guide. Learn how IBM hardens Hadoop for enterprise-class