Hotspot Networks : WiFi for Public Access Locations (Professional Telecom)
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McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing 9780071409780 Hotspot Networks by Minoli, Daniel [Paperback] Description Hotspot Networks are a new industry that seemed to come out of nowhere at the end of 2001. It has been described as a thrreat to the carriers cellular networks (ABC News) and the guerrilla revolution of wireless computing (Seattle Times). Hotspots offer users Internet and telecom services that are up to 40 times faster and less than 1/10 as expensive as what theyve got now. Reminiscent o
Hotspot Networks new edition
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Hotspot Networks: Wi-Fi for Public Access Locations: Daniel Minoli
Hotspot Networks are a new industry that seemed to come out of nowhere at the end of 2001. It has been described as a thrreat to the carriers' cellular networks (ABC News) and the guerrilla revolution of wireless computing (Seattle Times). Hotspots offer users Internet and telecom services that are up to 40 times faster and less than 1/10 as expensive as what they've got now. Reminiscent of the '90s, the action is evenly split between startups and providers, and the business press is following this industry closely.
"Hotspot Networks are a new industry that seemed to come out of nowhere at the end of 2001. It has been described as a thrreat to the carriers' cellular networks (ABC News) and "the guerrilla revolution of wireless computing" (Seattle Times). Hotspots offer users Internet and telecom services that are up to 40 times faster and less than 1/10 as expensive as what they've got now. Reminiscent of the '90s, the action is evenly split between startups and providers, and the business press is following this industry closely.File Size: 8548 KBPrint Length: 448 pagesPage Numbers Source ISBN: 007140978
Captures the lead in technical coverage of hotspot networks so you can take the lead in delivering wireless Internet and voice You can position yourself to promote design configure implement or develop service applications in a hot new market Softcover
Hotspot Networks Textbook