Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction (Bradford Books)
Independent component analysis (ICA) is becoming an increasingly important tool for analyzing large data sets. Get and download textbook Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction (Bradford Books) for free
This volume presents the theory and applications of self-organising neural network models which perform the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) transformation and Blind Source Separation (BSS). It is largely self-contained, covering the fundamental concepts of information theory, higher order statistics and information geometry. Neural models for instantaneous and temporal BSS and their adaptation algorithms are presented and studied in detail. There is also in-depth coverage of the following application areas; noise reduction, speech enhancement in noisy environments, image enhancement, feature extraction for classification, data analysis and visualisation, data mining and biomedical data analysis. Self-Organising Neural Networks will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in Connectionist AI, Signal Processing and Neural Networks, research and development workers, and technology development engineers and research engineers.
In essence, ICA separates an observed set of signal mixtures into a set of statistically independent component signals, or source signals. In so doing, this powerful method can extract the relatively small amount of useful information typically found in large data sets. The applications for ICA range from speech processing, brain imaging, and electrical brain signals to telecommunications and stock predictions.In Independent Component Analysis, Jim Stone presents the essentials of ICA and related techniques (projection pursuit and complexity pursuit) in a tutorial style, using intuitive examples described in simple geometric terms. Th Independent Component Analysis new edition
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Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation, 7 conf., ICA 2007: Christopher C. James, Mark D. Plumbley, Mike E. Davies, Samer A. Abdallah
Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation: 8th International Conference, ICA 2009, Paraty, Brazil, March 15-18, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture ... Computer Science and General Issues): Christian Jutten, Tulay Adali
Categories: Multivariate analysis, Principal components analysis. Contributors: Aapo Hyvarinen - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Multivariate analysis, Principal components analysis. Contributors: Aapo Hyvarinen - Author. Format: Hardcover
Independent Component Analysis Textbook
In essence, ICA separates an observed set of signal mixtures into a set of statistically independent component signals, or source signals. In so doing, this powerful method can extract the relatively small amount of useful information typically found in large data sets. The applications for ICA range from speech processing, brain imaging, and electrical brain signals to telecommunications and stock predictions.In Independent Component Analysis, Jim Stone presents the essentials of ICA and related techniques (projection pursuit and complexity pursuit) in a tutorial style, using intuitive examples described in simple geometric terms
n essence, ICA separates an observed set of signal mixtures into a set of statistically independent component signals, or source signals. In so doing, this powerful method can extract the relatively small amount of useful information typically found in large data sets. The applications for ICA range from speech processing, brain imaging, and electrical brain signals to telecommunications and stock predictions.In Independent Component Analysis, Jim Stone presents the essentials of ICA and related techniques (projection pursuit and complexity pursuit) in a tutorial style, using intuitive examples described in simple geometric terms. Th