Elements of Artificial Neural Networks (Complex Adaptive Systems)
Elements of Artificial Neural Networks provides a clearly organized general introduction, focusing on a broad range of algorithms, for students and others who want to use neural networks rather than simply study them. Get and download textbook Elements of Artificial Neural Networks (Complex Adaptive Systems) for free
age level from 18 author chilukuri k mohan author kishan mehrotra author sanjay ranka format hardback language english publication year 29 11 1996 series complex adaptive systems subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title elements of artificial neural networks complex adaptive systems author mehrotra kishan mohan chilukuri k ranka sanjay publisher bradford books publication date sep 01 1996 pages 344 binding hardcover dimensions 7 25 wx 9 50 hx 1 00 d isbn 02621332
he authors, who have been developing and team teaching the material in a one-semester course over the past six years, describe most of the basic neural network models (with several detailed solved examples) and discuss the rationale and advantages of the models, as well as their limitations. The approach is practical and open-minded and requires very little mathematical or technical background. Written from a computer science and statistics point of view, the text stresses links to contiguous fields and can easily serve as a fi Elements of Artificial Neural Networks new edition
Download free books for Elements of artificial neural networks
Elements of artificial neural networks: Chilukuri K. Mohan, Kishan Mehrotra, Sanjay Ranka
age level from 18 author chilukuri k mohan author kishan mehrotra author sanjay ranka format hardback language english publication year 29 11 1996 series complex adaptive systems subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming title elements of artificial neural networks complex adaptive systems author mehrotra kishan mohan chilukuri k ranka sanjay publisher bradford books publication date sep 01 1996 pages 344 binding hardcover dimensions 7 25 wx 9 50 hx 1 00 d isbn 02621332
Elements of Artificial Neural Networks, ISBN-13: 9780262133289, ISBN-10: 0262133288
Categories: Neural networks (Computer science). Contributors: Kishan Mehrotra - Author. Format: Hardcover
Elements of Artificial Neural Networks Textbook
he authors, who have been developing and team teaching the material in a one-semester course over the past six years, describe most of the basic neural network models (with several detailed solved examples) and discuss the rationale and advantages of the models, as well as their limitations
Written from a computer science and statistics point of view, the text stresses links to contiguous fields and can easily serve as a fi