Patterns for Parallel Programming
The Parallel Programming Guide for Every Software Developer From grids and clusters to next-generation game consoles, parallel computing is going mainstream. Get and download textbook Patterns for Parallel Programming for free
Categories: Parallel programming (Computer science). Contributors: Timothy G. Mattson - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Innovations such as Hyper-Threading Technology, HyperTransport Technology, and multicore microprocessors from IBM, Intel, and Sun are accelerating the movement's growth. Only one thing is missing: programmers with the skills to meet the soaring demand for parallel software. That's where Patterns for Parallel Programming comes in. It's the first parallel programming guide written specifically to serve working software developers, not just computer scientists. The authors introduce a complete, highly accessible pattern language that will help any experience Patterns for Parallel Programming new edition
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Patterns for Parallel Programming: Berna L. Massingill, Beverly A. Sanders, Timothy G. Mattson
Author: Mattson, Timothy G., Massingill, Berna L., Sanders, Beverly A. ISBN-10: 0321228111
Buy Patterns for Parallel Programming by Berna L. Massingill,Beverly A. Sanders,Timothy G. Mattson and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Architectural Patterns for Parallel Programming by Jorge Luis Ortega-Arjona Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New The Architectural Performance Modelling Method is presented as a criteria for selecting the organisation of a parallel program based on estimating its probable performance. An Architectural Performance Model is based on selecting from the Architectural Patterns for Parallel Programming (descriptions of c
Patterns for Parallel Programming Textbook
Innovations such as Hyper-Threading Technology, HyperTransport Technology, and multicore microprocessors from IBM, Intel, and Sun are accelerating the movement's growth. Only one thing is missing: programmers with the skills to meet the soaring demand for parallel software. That's where Patterns for Parallel Programming comes in. It's the first parallel programming guide written specifically to serve working software developers, not just computer scientists
nnovations such as Hyper-Threading Technology, HyperTransport Technology, and multicore microprocessors from IBM, Intel, and Sun are accelerating the movement's growth. Only one thing is missing: programmers with the skills to meet the soaring demand for parallel software. That's where Patterns for Parallel Programming comes in. It's the first parallel programming guide written specifically to serve working software developers, not just computer scientists. The authors introduce a complete, highly accessible pattern language that will help any experience