Moving From Windows To Linux (Charles River Media Networking/Security)
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Moving from Windows to Linux by Chuck Easttom US 1st Edition If your class is using the 2nd edition, please consider the following:The content of the 1st edition is nearly identical to Moving from Windows to Linux 2nd edition .The only major difference is the cover and price!!!Publishers constantly come out with newer editions to make more money, giving them reason to charge $100 + for a book. The thing is, they don't really change much with a newer edition other than changing the cover and add
Moving From Windows To Linux new edition
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Moving from Windows to Linux, Second Edition is a step-by-step walk through the transition from Windows to Linux. This completely updated version of the best-selling book teaches Windows users how to make their PC a Linux PC. It covers the latest in Linux distributions, and provides Windows users with the information they need to choose the one that will best suit their needs. From there, the book works through the transition from Windows to SuSE Linux 9.3, leveraging what Windows users already know, and applying that knowledge to Linux. The transition from applications such as Microsoft Word,
Categories: Linux (Computer operating system). Contributors: Chuck Easttom - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Linux (Computer operating system). Contributors: Chuck Easttom - Author. Format: Paperback
Moving From Windows To Linux Textbook