User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
"Hackos and Redish wisely offer us the three things we most need about user and task analysis: practical advice, practical advice, and practical advice. Get and download textbook User and Task Analysis for Interface Design for free
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design, ISBN-13: 9780471178316, ISBN-10: 0471178314
-Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
"This book is well written, thorough, and loaded with techniques, examples, and resources that bring analysis to everyone." -Marcia L. Conner, Director of Usability & Learnability PeopleSoft, Inc.
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design helps you design a great user interface by focusing on the most important step in the process -the first one. You learn to go out and observe your users at work, whether they are employees of your company or people in customer organizations. You learn to find out what your users really need, not by asking User and Task Analysis for Interface Design new edition
Download free books for User And Task Analysis For Interface Design Joann T., Phd Hackos/ Janice C. Redi
author janice c redish author joann t hackos format paperback language english publication year 03 03 1998 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 mathematics title user and task analysis for interface design author joann t phd hackos janice c redish publisher john wiley sons inc publication date jan 01 1998 pages 488 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 7 75 wx 9 50 hx 1 00 d isbn 0471178314 subject computers virtual reality description hackos and redish wisely offer us the three things w
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design John Wiley & Sons 9780471178316 09780471178316
John Wiley Sons 9780471178316 User and Task Analysis for Interface Design Description *Author: Hackos, Joann T./ Redish, Janice C./ Hackos *Binding Type: Paperback *Number of Pages: 512 *Publication Date: 1998/02/23 *Language: English *Dimensions: 9.26 x 7.49 x 1.10 inches SKU: UBM9780471178316 Payment We accept payment via PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover and PayPals Bill Me Later. Note: All purchases are processed via PayPal. If you have any questions or issues with
author janice c redish author joann t hackos format paperback language english publication year 03 03 1998 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 mathematics title user and task analysis for interface design author joann t phd hackos janice c redish publisher john wiley sons inc publication date jan 01 1998 pages 488 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 7 75 wx 9 50 hx 1 00 d isbn 0471178314 subject computers virtual reality description hackos and redish wisely offer us the three things w
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design Textbook
-Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
"This book is well written, thorough, and loaded with techniques, examples, and resources that bring analysis to everyone." -Marcia L. Conner, Director of Usability & Learnability PeopleSoft, Inc.
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design helps you design a great user interface by focusing on the most important step in the process -the first one
You learn to find out what your users really need, not by asking