Communicating and Mobile Systems: The Pi Calculus
Communication is a fundamental and integral part of computing, whether between different computers on a network, or between components within a single computer. Get and download textbook Communicating and Mobile Systems: The Pi Calculus for free
Communicating and Mobile Systems The Pi-Calculus, ISBN-13: 9780521658690, ISBN-10: 0521658691
In this book Robin Milner introduces a new way of modelling communication that reflects its position. He treats computers and their programs as themselves built from communicating parts, rather than adding communication as an extra level of activity. Everything is introduced by means of examples, such as mobile phones, job schedualers, vending machines, data structures, and the objects of object-oriented programming. But the aim of the book is to develop a theory, the pi-calculus, in which these things can be treated rigorously. The pi-calculus differs from other models of communicating Communicating and Mobile Systems new edition
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Communicating and mobile systems: the pi-calculus: Robin Milner
Cambridge University Press. Hardcover. 0521643201 Hardcover; 1999 Cambridge University Press; 161 pages; "Communicating and Mobile Systems: the Pi-Calculus" by Robin Milner. . Good.
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Communicating and mobile systems: the [symbol for pi]-calculus: Robin Milner
Communicating and Mobile Systems Textbook
In this book Robin Milner introduces a new way of modelling communication that reflects its position. He treats computers and their programs as themselves built from communicating parts, rather than adding communication as an extra level of activity. Everything is introduced by means of examples, such as mobile phones, job schedualers, vending machines, data structures, and the objects of object-oriented programming. But the aim of the book is to develop a theory, the pi-calculus, in which these things can be treated rigorously
n this book Robin Milner introduces a new way of modelling communication that reflects its position. He treats computers and their programs as themselves built from communicating parts, rather than adding communication as an extra level of activity. Everything is introduced by means of examples, such as mobile phones, job schedualers, vending machines, data structures, and the objects of object-oriented programming. But the aim of the book is to develop a theory, the pi-calculus, in which these things can be treated rigorously. The pi-calculus differs from other models of communicating