The Animator's Motion Capture Guide: Organizing, Managing, Editing (Charles River Media Game Development)
Character motion is one of the most critical elements in creating a believable look for a video game, animated project, or movie special effect. Get and download textbook The Animator's Motion Capture Guide: Organizing, Managing, Editing (Charles River Media Game Development) for free
Categories: Computer animation. Contributors: Matt Liverman - Author. Format: Paperback
Good character motion can quickly take the viewer into the imaginary world and help sell the scene, while bad character motion can just as quickly ruin the believability of a game or scene. Without a doubt, motion capture gives you the most realistic synthetic motion possible, and for this reason many companies use motion capture as the source for many of their animations. The Animator's Motion Capture Guide is written for all levels of animators, artists, project managers, and companies who wish to handle their motion capture effectively and efficiently. It is written from a motion coordinator's (lead The Animator's Motion Capture Guide new edition
Download free books for The Animator's Motion Capture Guide: Organizing, Managing, Editing (Charles River Media Game Development)
Softcover book, 307 pages. Published by Charles River Media
Categories: Computer animation. Contributors: Matt Liverman - Author. Format: Paperback
New Paperback.
The Animator's Motion Capture Guide Textbook
It is written from a motion coordinator's (lead