My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (2nd Edition)
Step-by-step instructions with callouts to photos that show you exactly what to do with the Galaxy Tab 2 10. Get and download textbook My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (2nd Edition) for free
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and Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
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Tips and Notes to help you get the most from your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through getting and keeping your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 working just the way you want. Learn how to
a Get started fast
a Navigate Samsung Galaxy Tab 2's Android operating system
a Retrieve, play, and manage music, video, podcasts, and audiobooks
a Use Google Play as a portal to movies and TV content
a Capture higher quality photos and video
a Surf the Web quickly with t My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 new edition
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My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Pearson PTR 9780789750389 My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 By Butow, Eric/ Watson, Lonzell Description Presents a guide to the features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, covering such topics as the Android operating system, using Google Play, sending email and text messages, adding new hardware, and reading and managing ebooks. *Author: Butow, Eric/ Watson, Lonzell *Series Title: My...series *Publication Date: 2012/12/18 *Number of Pages: 318 *Binding Type: Paperback *Language: English *Depth: 0.50 *Width:
My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 : Paperback : Pearson Education (US) : 9780789750389 : 0789750384 : 01 Jan 2013 : "Covers Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 and Galaxy Tab 2 7.0"--Cover.
My Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Textbook
and Galaxy Tab 2 7
Learn how to
a Get started fast
a Navigate Samsung Galaxy Tab 2's Android operating system
a Retrieve, play, and manage music, video, podcasts, and audiobooks
a Use Google Play as a portal to movies and TV content
a Capture higher quality photos and video
a Surf the Web quickly with t