Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010 (5th Edition)
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Categories: Visual Basic 2010, BASIC (Computer program language). Contributors: Tony Gaddis - Author. Format: Paperback
Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010 new edition
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KEY BENEFIT : Gaddis and Irvine's step-by-step approach helps readers understand the logic behind developing quality programs while introducing the Visual Basic 2010 language. KEY TOPICS : Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic 2010; Creating Applications with Visual Basic; Input, Variables, Exceptions, and Calculations; Making Decisions; Lists and Loops; Sub Procedures and Functions; Multiple Forms, Standard Modules, and Menus; Arrays and More; Working with Databases; Developing Web Applications; Classes, Collections, and Inheritance. MARKET : Ideal for beginners to programming and the
Categories: Visual Basic 2010, BASIC (Computer program language). Contributors: Tony Gaddis - Author. Format: Paperback
For undergraduate students in business, MIS, CIS, IT and other computing departments at 2 and 4 year schools learning Visual Basic for the first time.'In 'Starting Out with Visual Basic 2010,' Tony Gaddis and Kip Irvine take a step-by-step approach, helping students understand the logic behind developing quality programs while introducing the Visual Basic 2010 language.'Fully-updated throughout, the 2010 edition also includes an extensive set of all-new VideoNotes, including walk-throughs of many of the in-chapter tutorials. Author: Gaddis, Tony, Irvine, Kip R. ISBN-10: 0136113400
For undergraduate students in business, MIS, CIS, IT and other computing departments at 2 and 4 year schools learning Visual Basic for the first time. In Starting Out with Visual Basic 2010 , Tony Gaddis and Kip Irvine take a step-by-step approach, helping students understand the logic behind developing quality programs while introducing the Visual Basic 2010 language. Fully-updated throughout, the 2010 edition also includes an extensive set of all-new VideoNotes, including walk-throughs of many of the in-chapter tutorials.
Starting Out With Visual Basic 2010 Textbook