An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms (Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic)
The purpose of this monograph is to provide the mathematically literate reader with an accessible introduction to the theory of quantum computing algorithms, one component of a fascinating and rapidly developing area which involves topics from physics, mathematics, and computer science. Get and download textbook An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms (Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic) for free
Categories: Quantum computing, Computer algorithms. Contributors: Arthur O. Pittenger - Author. Format: Hardcover
The author briefly describes the historical context of quantum computing and provides the motivation, notation, and assumptions appropriate for quantum statics, a non-dynamical, finite dimensional model of quantum mechanics. This model is then used to define and illustrate quantum logic gates and representative subroutines required for quantum algorithms. A discussion of the basic algorithms of Simon and of Deutsch and Jozsa sets the stage for An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms new edition
Download free books for An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms
The purpose of this monograph is to provide the mathematically
literate reader with an accessible introduction to the theory of
quantum computing algorithms, one component of a fascinating and
rapidly developing area which involves topics from physics,
mathematics, and computer science.
The author briefly describes the historical context of quantum
computing and provides the motivation, notation, and assumptions
appropriate for quantum statics, a non-dynamical, finite dimensional
model of quantum mechanics. This model is then used to define and
illustrate quantum logic gates and representative
literate reader with an accessible introduction to the theory of
quantum computing algorithms, one component of a fascinating and
rapidly developing area which involves topics from physics,
mathematics, and computer science.
The author briefly describes the historical context of quantum
computing and provides the motivation, notation, and assumptions
appropriate for quantum statics, a non-dynamical, finite dimensional
model of quantum mechanics. This model is then used to define and
illustrate quantum logic gates and representative
Categories: Quantum computing, Computer algorithms. Contributors: Arthur O. Pittenger - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Quantum computing, Computer algorithms, Quantum computin. Contributors: Arthur O. Pittenger - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Quantum computing, Computer algorithms. Contributors: Arthur O. Pittenger - Author. Format: Hardcover
An Introduction to Quantum Computing Algorithms Textbook
The author briefly describes the historical context of quantum computing and provides the motivation, notation, and assumptions appropriate for quantum statics, a non-dynamical, finite dimensional model of quantum mechanics
A discussion of the basic algorithms of Simon and of Deutsch and Jozsa sets the stage for