Numerical Solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations (Fundamentals of Algorithms)
This concise and comprehensive treatment of the basic theory of algebraic Riccati equations describes the classical as well as the more advanced algorithms for their solution in a manner that is accessible to both practitioners and scholars. Get and download textbook Numerical Solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations (Fundamentals of Algorithms) for free
author beatrice meini author bruno iannazzo author dario a bini format paperback language english publication year 16 02 2012 series fundamentals of algorithms subject mathematics sciences subject 2 science mathematics textbooks study guides payment shipping rates returns numerical solution of algebraic riccati equations fundamentals of algorithms product category books isbn 1611972086 title numerical solution of algebraic riccati equations fundamentals of algorithms ean 9781611972085 authors me
It is the first book in which nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations are treated in a clear and systematic way. Some proofs of theoretical results have been simplified and a unified notation has been adopted. Readers will find a discussion of doubling algorithms, which are effective in solving algebraic Riccati equations, and a detailed description of all classical and advanced algorithms for solving algebraic Riccati equations, along with their MATLABA codes. This will help the reader gain understanding of th Numerical Solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations new edition
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author beatrice meini author bruno iannazzo author dario a bini format paperback language english publication year 16 02 2012 series fundamentals of algorithms subject mathematics sciences subject 2 science mathematics textbooks study guides title numerical solution of algebraic riccati equations fundamentals of algorithms author dario a bini bruno iannazzo beatrice meini publisher siam society for industrial and applied mathematics publication date jan 17 2012 pages 268 binding paperback dimens
This concise and comprehensive treatment of the basic theory of algebraic Riccati equations describes the classical as well as the more advanced algorithms for their solution. Its approach is accessible to practitioners solving problems from applications and to scholars interested in the design and analysis of algorithms.
Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics,US | 2012 | 268 pages | ISBN-13: 9781611972085 | ISBN-10: 1611972086 | You save 10%
Numerical Solution of Algebraic Riccati Equations Textbook
This will help the reader gain understanding of th