Hacker's Delight
A collection useful programming advice the author has collected over the years; small algorithms that make the programmer's task easier. Get and download textbook Hacker's Delight for free
Categories: Computer hackers, Computer programming, Computer hacker. Contributors: Henry S. Warren - Author. Format: NOOK Book
* At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspects of computer programming * Learn to program at a more advanced level than is generally taught in schools and training courses, and much more advanced than can be learned through individual study/experience. * An instant cult classic for programmers! Computer programmers are often referred to as hackers -- solitary problem solvers engrossed in a world of code as they seek elegant solutions to building better software. While many view these unique individuals as "madmen," the truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy Hacker's Delight new edition
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Hacker's delight: Henry S. Warren
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Hacker's Delight
In Hacker's Delight, Second Edition, Hank Warren once again compiles an irresistible collection of programming hacks: timesaving techniques, algorithms, and tricks that help programmers build more elegant and efficient software, while also gaining deeper insights into their craft. Warren's hacks are eminently practical, but they're also intrinsically interesting, and sometimes unexpected, much like the solution to a great puzzle. They are, in a word, a delight to any programmer who is excited by the opportunity to improve. Extensive additions in this edition include *A new chapter on cyclic re
Hacker's Delight Textbook
* At long last, proven short-cuts to mastering difficult aspects of computer programming * Learn to program at a more advanced level than is generally taught in schools and training courses, and much more advanced than can be learned through individual study/experience
While many view these unique individuals as "madmen," the truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy