Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms
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Springer 9780387310046 Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms Description This book blends mathematical foundations and algorithmic developments with circuit design issues. Each new technique is presented in the context of its application to design. Through the study of optimal two-level and multilevel combinational circuit design, the reader is introduced to basic concepts, such as Boolean algebras, local search, and algebraic factorization. Similarly, through the study of optimal sequent
Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms new edition
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[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Excellent[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: NONE ] Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms (NEW!!) (NEW!!) By Gary D. Hachtel, Fabio Somenzi ISBN: 0387310045 Edition:first Publisher: Springer Pub Date: 2/10/2006 Binding: Paperback Pages: 564
payment | shipping rates | returns Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms [Hardcover] Somenzi, Fabio, Hachtel, Gary D. (Author) Product Details:Please note: All books are listed via ISBN and may be different from stock photo.Hardcover: 596 pages Publisher: Springer (1996-06-30)ISBN: 0792397460 Product Dimensions: 1.5600 inches x 7.3200 inches x 10.2500 inches Shipping Weight: 3.4000 pounds About Dream Books Company, LLC Our company is dedicated to providing you with the best quality produc
Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms, ISBN-13: 9780792397465, ISBN-10: 0792397460
Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms is a textbook designed for courses on VLSI Logic Synthesis and Verification Design Automation CAD and advanced level discrete mathematics It also serves as a basic reference work in design automation for both professionals and students Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms is about the theoretical underpinnings of VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits It combines and integrates modern developments in logic synthesis and formal verification with the more traditional matter of Switching and Finite Automata Theory The book also provides backgr
Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms Textbook