Data Networks (2nd Edition)
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"Business Data Networks and Telecommunications (8th Edition), ISBN-13: 9780136100126, ISBN-10: 0136100120 by Raymond Panko, Julia Panko. "
Data Networks new edition
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Business Data Networks and Security, ISBN-13: 9780132742931, ISBN-10: 0132742934
"ISBN: 9780132742931 - Business Data Networks and Telecommunications guides readers through the details of networking with its clear writing style, job-ready detail, and focus on the technologies that are used in today?s marketplace."
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Althos 9780972805322 Voice Over Data Networks for Managers Description *Author: Harte, Lawrence James/ Pazderka, Tomas *Binding Type: Paperback *Number of Pages: 336 *Publication Date: 2003/05/01 *Language: English *Dimensions: 9.46 x 7.50 x 0.70 inches SKU: UBM9780972805322 Payment We accept payment via PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover and PayPals Bill Me Later. Note: All purchases are processed via PayPal. If you have any questions or issues with your order, please c
Data Networks Textbook