Operating System Concepts
Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systemsOpen-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. Get and download textbook Operating System Concepts for free
The ninth edition of Operating System Concepts continues to evolve to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems. This edition has been updated with more extensive coverage of the most current topics and applications, improved conceptual coverage and additional content to bridge the gap between concepts and actual implementations. A new design allows for easier navigation and enhances reader motivation. Additional end-of-chapter, exercises, review questions, and programming exercises help to further reinforce important concepts. WileyPLUS, including a test bank, self-check exercises, and a student solutions manual, is also part of the comprehensive support package.
With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne's Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for today's emerging developments.As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including:What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructedProcess, memory, and storage managementProtect Operating System Concepts new edition
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Operating System Concepts
OpenVMS Operating System Concepts, Second Edition uses a new approach to explain the OpenVMS operating system. Combining discussions of operating system theory with examples of its applications in key OpenVMS operating system facilities, the book provides a thoughtful introduction for application programmers, systems managers, and students. The books shows how OpenVMS system services can tap the power of operating system facilities to perform critical tasks on behalf of applications. It has been updated for OpenVMS and gives program examples in C. Author: Miller, David D. ISBN-10: 1555581578
Categories: Operating systems (Computers). Contributors: Abraham Silberschatz - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Operating systems (Computers). Contributors: Abraham Silberschatz - Author. Format: Hardcover
Operating System Concepts Textbook
As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including:What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructedProcess, memory, and storage managementProtect