Y2K: An Action Plan to Protect Yourself, Your Family, Your Assets, and Your Community on January 1, 2000
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You May Know Of It, you may have even chosen to ignore or deny it, but there's no way you can avoid it. On January 1, 2000, the billions of computer chips encoded to mark years in double digits will roll over to "00" -- a technological glitch that may be felt on every level of society. Victor R. Porlier, former Chief of information Development in the State Departments Agency for International Development, and a noted expert on Y2K for years, arms you with the survival strategies you'll need to feed your family, maintain health, care, access your cash, preserve investments, and cope with the coming utilities and transportation crises. Don't get stung by the millennium bug!
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Y2K Textbook
You May Know Of It, you may have even chosen to ignore or deny it, but there's no way you can avoid it. On January 1, 2000, the billions of computer chips encoded to mark years in double digits will roll over to "00" -- a technological glitch that may be felt on every level of society. Victor R. Porlier, former Chief of information Development in the State Departments Agency for International Development, and a noted expert on Y2K for years, arms you with the survival strategies you'll need to feed your family, maintain health, care, access your cash, preserve investments, and cope with the coming utilities and transportation crises
ou May Know Of It, you may have even chosen to ignore or deny it, but there's no way you can avoid it. On January 1, 2000, the billions of computer chips encoded to mark years in double digits will roll over to "00" -- a technological glitch that may be felt on every level of society. Victor R. Porlier, former Chief of information Development in the State Departments Agency for International Development, and a noted expert on Y2K for years, arms you with the survival strategies you'll need to feed your family, maintain health, care, access your cash, preserve investments, and cope with the coming utilities and transportation crises. Don't get stung by the millennium bug!
-- This is the only Y2K book on the market that features practical,