Computational Complexity
This text offers a comprehensive and accessible treatment of the theory of algorithms and complexity - the elegant body of concepts and methods developed by computer scientists over the past 30 years for studying the performance and limitations of computer algorithms. Get and download textbook Computational Complexity for free
Categories: Computational complexity, Elliptic functions, Pi. Contributors: Jonathan M. Borwein - Author. Format: Paperback
Among topics covered are: reductions and NP-completeness, cryptography and protocols, randomized algorithms, and approximability of optimization problems, circuit complexity, the "structural" aspects of the P=NP question, parallel computation, the polynomial hierarchy, and many others. Several sophisticated and recent results are presented in a rather simple way, while many more are developed in the form of extensive notes, problems, and hints. The book is surprisingly self-contained, Computational Complexity new edition
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Categories: Computational complexity. Contributors: Christos H. Papadimitriou - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computational complexity->Congresses. Contributors: Daniel Leivant - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computational complexity. Contributors: Steven Rudich - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Computational complexity. Contributors: Leszek Plaskota - Author. Format: Hardcover
Computational Complexity Textbook
Among topics covered are: reductions and NP-completeness, cryptography and protocols, randomized algorithms, and approximability of optimization problems, circuit complexity, the "structural" aspects of the P=NP question, parallel computation, the polynomial hierarchy, and many others
The book is surprisingly self-contained,