Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Seventh Edition
The latest tactics for thwarting digital attacks "Our new reality is zero-day, APT, and state-sponsored attacks. Get and download textbook Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Seventh Edition for free
Hacking Exposed 7
Today, more than ever, security professionals need to get into the hacker's mind, methods, and toolbox to successfully deter such relentless assaults. This edition brings readers abreast with the latest attack vectors and arms them for these continually evolving threats." --Brett Wahlin, CSO, Sony Network Entertainment "Stop taking punches--let's change the game; it's time for a paradigm shift in the way we secure our networks, and Hacking Exposed 7 is the playbook for bringing pain to our adversaries." --Shawn Henry, former Executive Assistant Director, FBI Bolster your system's security and defeat Hacking Exposed 7 new edition
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Hacking Exposed 7 Textbook
" --Shawn Henry, former Executive Assistant Director, FBI Bolster your system's security and defeat