Effective Security Management, Fourth Edition
This latest edition of Effective Security Management retains the qualities that made the previous editions a standard of the profession: a readable, comprehensive guide to the planning, staffing, and operation of the security function within an organization. Get and download textbook Effective Security Management, Fourth Edition for free
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All chapters are completely updated with the focus on practical methods that the reader can put to use in managing an effective security department.
The Fourth Edition covers current computer applications that can help in the administrative, managerial, and supervisory aspects of the security function. In addition, two new chapters address employee management in detail. The first, Lifestyle Management for Managers, will discuss motivation at work: the how, when, where, Effective Security Management new edition
Download free books for Effective Security Management [ebook]
This latest edition of Effective Security Management retains the qualities that made the previous editions a standard of the profession: a readable, comprehensive guide to the planning, staffing, and operation
Categories: Industries->Security measures, Private security services->Management, Retail trade->Security measures. Contributors: Charles A. Sennewald - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Industries->Security measures, Retail trade->Security measures, Private security services->Management. Contributors: Charles A. Sennewald - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Industries->Security measures, Retail trade->Security measures, Private security services->Management. Contributors: Charles A. Sennewald - Author. Format: Hardcover
Effective Security Management Textbook
The first, Lifestyle Management for Managers, will discuss motivation at work: the how, when, where,