GPRS: Gateway to Third Generation Mobile Networks
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You are purchasing a used Sierra Wireless MP GPRS 750 Transceiver Cellular Modem with SIM card. Units were removed from government vehicles in working condition. No other accessories are included in this auction. Manufacturer description The MP GPRS 750 is Sierra Wireless's next generation mobile product that provides in-vehicle data solutions while operating over the GSM/GPRS network. Following the successful track record of Sierra Wireless's MP200, the world's first ruggedized CDPD vehicle-mo
GPRS new edition
Download free books for CSIDSPMOD-EK/GPRS - Cellular Specialties External Modem Kit for GSM
External modem kit for use in GSM systems
9V, 1A wall adapter is included USA providers are all on 850/1900Mhz and pratically all the rest of the world uses 900/1800Mhz. LinkSprite GPRS modem supports both original AT command and DTU mode. This product uses the module in AT mode. Spectrum SM5100B GSM/GPRS module: a miniature, single-side board, quad-band GSM 850/EGSM 900/DCS 1800/PCS 1900 module, ready for integration in various kinds of Fix wireless phones and other wireless devices. Temperature range Normal range: -10°C to +55°C (full compliant) Storage: -40°C to +85°C Weight < 9g Physical dimensions 35.0X39.0X2.9 mm (typical) C
TELDAT CORP 9T-ALMPH132 Gprs Alarm Transmission Module For Contact Is Panels - TELDAT CORP 9T-ALMPH132
The WorldTracker GPRS is a self contained complete hardware and software package small enough to fit in the palm of your hand When placed with packages vehicles or personnel the WorldTracker GPRS provides detailed reports of routes traveled for quality control and security purposes Featuring SiRF star III technology for extra sensitive reception outdoors indoors and through metal WAAS enabled receiver providing GPS signal corrections giving better position accuracy How
GPRS Textbook