Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement
Data is getting bigger and more complex by the day, and so are the choices in handling that data. Get and download textbook Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement for free
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks : Paperback : The Pragmatic Programmers : 9781934356920 : 1934356921 : 25 May 2012 : Data is getting bigger and more complex by the day, and so are the choices in handling that data. As a modern application developer you need to understand the emerging field of data management, both RDBMS and NoSQL. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks takes you on a tour of some of the hottest open source databases today.
As a modern application developer you need to understand the emerging field of data management, both RDBMS and NoSQL. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks takes you on a tour of some of the hottest open source databases today. In the tradition of Bruce A. Tate's Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, this book goes beyond your basic tutorial to explore the essential concepts at the core each technology.
Redis, Neo4J, CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, Riak and Postgres. With each database, you'll tackle a real-world data problem that highlights the concepts and features that make it shine. You'll explore the five data models employed by thes Seven Databases in Seven Weeks new edition
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Seven Databases in Seven Weeks (Paperback)
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks : A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement, ISBN-13: 9781934356920, ISBN-10: 1934356921
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
author eric redmond author jim r wilson format paperback language english publication year 25 05 2012 subject computing it subject 2 computing professional programming ean 9781934356920 title seven databases in seven weeks sku st 1934356921 product category books comics magazines about speedy hen ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from speedy hen you are accepting our current terms and conditions details of which can be found by clicking here author biography eric redmond has been
Seven Databases in Seven Weeks Textbook
As a modern application developer you need to understand the emerging field of data management, both RDBMS and NoSQL. Seven Databases in Seven Weeks takes you on a tour of some of the hottest open source databases today. In the tradition of Bruce A. Tate's Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, this book goes beyond your basic tutorial to explore the essential concepts at the core each technology
You'll explore the five data models employed by thes