Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques
The first comprehensive book on software test and analysis
You can't "test quality into" a software product, but neither can you build a quality software product without test and analysis. Get and download textbook Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques for free
Categories: Computer software->Quality control, Computer software->Testing. Contributors: Jonathan Jacky - Author. Format: Paperback
Software test and analysis is increasingly recognized, in research and in industrial practice, as a core challenge in software engineering and computer science. Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles, and Techniques is the first book to present a range of complementary software test and analysis techniques in an integrated, coherent fashion. It covers a full spectrum of topics from basic principles and underlying theory to organizational and process issues in real-world application. The emphasis throughout is on selecting a complementary Software Testing and Analysis new edition
Download free books for Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#
Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C# - Colin Campbell, Jonathan Jacky, Margus Veanes, Wolfram Schulte
Categories: Computer software->Quality control, Computer software->Testing. Contributors: Jonathan Jacky - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computer software->Testing. Contributors: Mauro Pezze - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Computer software->Quality control, Computer software->Testing. Contributors: Jonathan Jacky - Author. Format: Paperback
Software Testing and Analysis Textbook
The emphasis throughout is on selecting a complementary